If you are busy, skip my blog and go read Nick’s book. It will inspire you.
If you aren’t busy, watch this video, then sure, read my blog.
Nick Vujicic is a man of many contrasts. He has no limbs, but he travels the world extensively. (I envy.) He struggles physically, but he is always smiling like he has won something. His future may look bleak to some, but he is ridiculously excited about his life – all because he chose hope instead of despair. His emotional suffering and physical limitations have pushed him to discover some truths in life that most people never experience.
Nick speaks to all kinds of audiences, Christian and non-, and this book is marketed to a broad audience. It isn’t preachy or overly religious, but it’s obvious that his trust in God is the strength of his life. He uses the word happiness a lot, but he possesses a deeper joy, and a hilarious sense of humor. This book is very future-oriented and discusses many angles of trusting, hoping, planning, with many examples from Nick’s life and many others.
Maybe I gravitate to Nick’s story because I know about disability. My dad is severely disabled with MS, and he also has a great attitude. People who just met him five minutes ago will comment on his amazing attitude. He doesn’t complain. His sense of humor is intact. He isn’t angry. He loves God, and he loves sharing the Gospel. I hear people carelessly say that if they were in a similar situation they would rather be shot. I’ve come to realize that my dad’s story, like Nick’s, is not at all as hopeless as you might think. What defines “hopeless?” Nick says, “If you say you are without hope, that means you think there is a zero chance of anything good happening in your life ever again. Zero? That’s pretty extreme, don’t you think?” Nick can say it like no one else - God can be all the missing pieces we need.
Some thoughts I want to remember (in no particular order):
Don’t be limited by fear.
Listen to good counsel, and be willing to take risks.
It doesn’t have to make sense now, just trust.
Whatever it is, it’s not the end of the world.
Choose a positive outlook.
Your pain can become someone else’s miracle.
Your pain can glorify God.
Attitude is altitude!
Master your strengths.
Hugs help.
The only thing I missed in this book was Nick’s Aussie accent. The rest was wonderful – a great way to kick off the year!
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