Friday, October 24, 2008

Spycraft, Wallace & Melton

The subtitle is "The secret history of the CIA's spytechs from Communism to Al-Aqaeda." I found this book on accident, and I kept reading it on accident when I was supposed to be doing other things. The whole book is anecdotal so you can always pick it up and put it down (only to pick it up again). These are entertaining stories from back when technology was big and clunky. They actually tried surgically implanting a listening device into a cat. Only to realize after "humanely" testing the procedure, that the cat could not be told what to do. It kept wandering away from the target. I guess those agents weren't cat owners. Other stories show the real genius and guts it takes to be an agent. This is a really fun book if you like spy stories from the good old days.

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