Thursday, December 29, 2016

When Life Hurts, by Amber Sirstad

Today is a first for this blog. I get to review a book written and published by my friend! This is huge. Yuge.

Actually, the book itself is not very big. I read most of it in one sitting. It is well-written and engaging, and the value of it is that so many noteworthy ideas are encapsulated in a small space. Amber, or Sirstad, as I might refer to her if I didn’t know her, is overqualified to write this book. Life has dealt her some ridiculous circumstances that no one should have to deal with, but life doesn’t care about should. Life can be stupid. Life hurts. To amplify that thought, she includes first-person stories of others’ suffering that bring you inside an almost intimidating array of difficult circumstances, from depression, sickness, and death, to terrorism, domestic abuse, and other traumas.

Just as vividly as she and her sources tell their stories of pain, the meaning of her writing relates to real life pain with no translation needed. Whoever you are, and whatever you’ve been through, I guarantee you will feel a connection with these thoughts. If you don’t feel you need this kind of reading for yourself, read it for the sake of a friend or loved one who is going through a difficult time. I don't need to rewrite the whole message of the book, but trust me that it is both helpful and thought-provoking. The stories of tragedy are not to glorify the pain, but to illuminate how the worst of times are when we experience the reality of God’s promises. I recommend it wholeheartedly, not because I’m biased, and not because it offers answers, but because it offers the kind of hope we all need. Read it, be encouraged, take hope, and know that you are not alone.

When Life Hurts is available on Amazon

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