Thursday, November 23, 2017

A Tale of Two Thanksgivings

Remember how weird 2016 was? It was a year of change, and big things happening. Many of them were great. However, one of my low points was Thanksgiving.

It was a miserable day. Here are two perspectives:

Version 1

The night before Thanksgiving, I was in a holiday mood, and my evening was going great. Suddenly, I went from, "I'm chilly," to "curled up in a ball with a raging fever."

I spent Thanksgiving Day on the couch, alternating between sleep and a horrible, throbbing throat pain untouchable by any meds. I couldn't even drink water without intense pain.

The next day, I went to urgent care and was diagnosed with strep. My medical record was so germ-filled that later a doctor asked if I am around kids much. Ha.

The doc prescribed giant antibiotic pills. To my fevered brain they looked to be the size of inner tubes, mocking my enormously swollen throat. 

Needless to say, I got absolutely nothing done over the break. 

Version 2

Don't feel sorry for me. At the same time, I had tons to be thankful for. 

My family sent me an audio recording from dinner telling me they missed me. They made me laugh and feel like I was there with them. They also sent food, which I could hardly enjoy, but I sure tried.

I was sick only over days I was already supposed to be off anyway. I got to give my voice a much needed rest. As disappointing as the whole thing was, I couldn't have been sick at a better time.

I was probably contagious on Wednesday before the fever hit, and had no idea. The worst part is I had held my baby niece. I could only pray that I hadn't made her sick. It was a massive relief that as far as I know, no one got sick from me.

God bless urgent care for seeing me fairly quickly, and billing me like a regular appointment. The antibiotics kicked in, and my throat soon began to heal. I was so glad it was a bacterial infection and not viral. 

Although I was sad to miss out the big day, I realized how many Thanksgivings I've enjoyed over the years. How many of those days did I take for granted?

Way too many.

I hate how this works, but sometimes the worst disruptions are the key to feeling more thankful. 

I've resolved this year to be more grateful, and to eat more pie. Because you just never know.

I hope you all have a great holiday season, and can enjoy your blessings to the fullest!

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